Walking Around SRS Betta

A few weeks ago while my friend Shashanka was capturing the beauty of Demoiselle Cranes in Rajasthan, I was walking the crags surrounding SRS Betta, an important hill and religious place for locals who live in the area. Betta in Kannada means hill.

The hill in question, with a lovely lake full of lily pads. At the top of the hill is the main shrine.

Once past the small rice fields at the base, the crags surrounding the hill are truly wild. They are absolutely perfect for those interested in rock climbing and bouldering, both of which I am slowly getting back into after a prolong absence (mostly due to sloth and some health issues). A short climb and down towards the main hill is a lovely little lake where a couple of friends I’d gone with decided to inflate their paddle board and go for a gentle explore.

This area also forms the buffer zone for the Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary, the only one such in India. True to form, I spotted a couple of Egyptian vultures, including one juvenile who decided to fly quite low. Sadly, I’d only taken my wide angle 23mm lens, so couldn’t capture pictures of this magnificent bird.
